Rules Of Engagement

Cindy Trimm


Beat the devil at his own game and wage warfare with confidence!

There is a spiritual battle going on, and prayer warrior and intercessor Cindy Trimm has given you a manual to wage effective warfare. The Rules of Engagement helps you recognize the spirits that operate in the kingdom of darkness and gives you declarations for engaging them armed with God’s power and authority.

It is time to take a stand against the powers of Satan. Using the authority you have been given by God, you can enter the realm of prayer-power where…

  • Strongholds of the enemy are shattered.
  • Households, neighborhoods, and cities are radically changed for the good.
  • Situations that once meant defeat are turned into victory.
  • The enemy loses his power over your life.
  • Your true authority as a believer is unleashed.

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Rules Of Engagement: The Art of Strategic Prayer and Spiritual Warfare! Beat the devil at his own game and wage warfare with confidence!

There is a spiritual battle going on, and prayer warrior and intercessor Cindy Trimm has given you a manual to wage effective warfare. The Rules of Engagement helps you recognize the spirits that operate in the kingdom of darkness and gives you declarations for engaging them armed with God’s power and authority.

It is time to take a stand against the powers of Satan. Using the authority you have been given by God, you can enter the realm of prayer-power where…

  • Strongholds of the enemy are shattered.
  • Households, neighborhoods, and cities are radically changed for the good.
  • Situations that once meant defeat are turned into victory.
  • The enemy loses his power over your life.
  • Your true authority as a believer is unleashed.

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