With apostolic authority, Dr. Lowery describes the Ministry of Impartation and teaches with wisdom and anointing on Spiritual Fathers and Sons. The body of Christ needs what Dr. Lowery has given in this book. Some of the material and teaching may be new to you, but you will agree that it is Biblical and will sense the anointing as you read these pages. What does the bible teach about the purpose, identity and function of apostles and prophets?
In this thoughtful and well documented treatise, Dr. T.L. Lowery performs a valuable service for the church. As the original twelve laid the foundation for the development of the people of God and the establishment of the church, todays apostles and prophets peform foundational ministry for the continuing building of the church. Each chapter explores facets of apostolic and prophetic ministry and clarifies what the Bible says. The principles related to the impartation and reception of spiritual giftedness is especially valuable in a day when the subject has become obscure and poorly understood.
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