Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer

E.M. Bounds


E.M. Bounds truly followed the charge to pray without ceasing. It was as normal and essential to him as breathing. But though he was in prayer constantly, it never became a chore to him. Throughout his life, whether he was ministering to troops during the Civil War or bringing God’s Word to his congregation, E.M. Bounds relished his time in conversation with God. Though only two of his books were published in his lifetime, The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer combines all eight of Bounds’s classic treatments of prayer.


Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer!

Learn the secrets of effective prayer for every need. The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer is the definitive Bounds collection in modern English. Eight classic explorations cover every aspect of prayer in a readable way. Included in this volume are 120 entries on what this great pastoral leader taught about the essentials, necessity, possibilities, power, purpose, reality, and weapon of prayer. Because Bounds so diligently practiced what he preached, he was able to capture the essence of prayer and his works live on to call today’s Christians to higher discipleship and more energetic prayer lives.

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